O’Melveny Worldwide

Variety: Entertainment Lawyers Guide Hollywood Into Future of Disruption and Challenge

April 20, 2022

Lawyers are increasingly shaping the future of the entertainment industry following the dramatic changes it has experienced over the past few years. O’Melveny partner Lindsay Conner believes that the pandemic had a significant impact on the industry by accelerating content consumption on streaming services. “Even though they’re not traditionally grouped with what Hollywood thinks of as ‘the majors,’ the level of content spending by Netflix and Amazon and Apple is gigantic, and the streamers are interested in creating and licensing content that is as diverse thematically as it is culturally,” Conner said. “It has blurred the lines of film and television, and where they are exhibited and consumed is less bound by rules and windows than at any time in the last century. The enormous changes in our business really put a premium on lawyers staying ahead of the curve in dealmaking and in keeping up with the market to prepare for what’s next.”

Read the full article here.

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