Making History: Six Strategic Trials

4 competitors, made possible by a wealth of internal Sabre documents and helpful testimony from third parties (both airlines and technology providers). And we made the economic evidence understandable by the lay audience. Monopolization On behalf of client US Airways (now American Airlines), O’Melveny and cocounsel Yetter Coleman LLP obtained the first jury verdict finding that a defendant monopolized a two-sided market. Sabre—a two-sided technology platform providing distribution services to both airlines and travel agencies—has for two decades used a variety of exclusionary tactics to cement itself as an unavoidable middleman in airfare distribution in the United States, especially to business travelers who use travel agencies. US Airways and its successor, American Airlines, sought to bring competition to a market that has atrophied. Claims Trial and Outcome What Was at Stake Why It Matters Multi-sided platforms are at the heart of today’s digital economy. While markets and facts differ from case to case, our successful economic and legal approach will be (and already has been) copied in subsequent challenges involving two-sided platforms, including some where O’Melveny represents defendants. Our experience on both sides of these issues—including having actually presented the complicated economics to a jury—puts us in a unique position to assist clients in these and related disputes. Mia Gonzalez NEW YORK Partner +1 212 728 5698 Anton Metlitsky NEW YORK Partner +1 212 326 2291