O'Melveny Insights 2023

Bradley J. Butwin Chair At O’Melveny we all share a common goal: helping you achieve your most important objectives. That means we treat each new year as an opportunity to take stock and prepare you for a host of challenges—some familiar, some unprecedented. And it’s why we are focusing this publication not on the year that just ended but the one that lies ahead. Given the sheer number of major legal and regulatory changes with the potential to affect your business, we invited a number of our lawyers to share their perspectives on opportunities and challenges that likely will be top of mind for many of us in the near future. As you review Insights 2023, consider it both a sampling of things to come and an invitation to reach out and engage with us about a future that some of us anticipate with enthusiasm and some with a measure of trepidation, perhaps inevitable after three years of a life-changing pandemic. Our authors, like the topics they have chosen, are a diverse group reflecting our belief that collaboration among people with different experience and viewpoints inspires the most creative solutions and the best outcomes. So, regardless of whether you approach 2023 with a glass half full or half empty, all your friends at O’Melveny consider our continued collaboration with you a reason to anticipate the road ahead with confidence and excitement. May your new year bring you great success and well-being,