Reuters: How O’Melveny Upended Public Education Funding in Pennsylvania
March 1, 2023
Commonwealth Court President Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer issued a monumental decision when he declared Pennsylvania’s public school funding system as unconstitutional last month. The case, which was originally filed in 2014, involved six school districts claiming that Pennsylvania violated the education clause and equal-protection provisions in its constitution. O’Melveny partner and former teacher Katrina Robson represented the school districts in the case, leading a pro bono team of nearly 80 lawyers that culminated in 26,000 hours and a four-month trial in Harrisburg. “As a teacher, I saw education transform children's lives, inspire families and vitalize communities,” Robson said. “I carried that experience with me into the courtroom, certain that this was a fight for the future of millions of children.”
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