O’Melveny Worldwide

The American Lawyer: O’Melveny’s Brad Butwin on Managing in a Post-Pandemic Era

August 28, 2023

O’Melveny chair Brad Butwin and The American Lawyer’s Dan Packel discussed the various new challenges that law firms face in a post-pandemic world. O’Melveny, which cracked the US$1 billion revenue mark last year, has hired 66 lateral partners since 2020 and opened three Texas offices since 2021. “The firm’s definition of success has actually not changed over the past few years. The challenges and uncertainty of the last few years were an important reminder to stay grounded in what has always defined success for us, much more than any sudden change in world view. The period proved that culture, values and people are a winning formula for us,” Butwin said. “We have to focus more on collaboration and staying connected, which are things that have always come naturally to us and that we may have taken for granted before COVID. Over the last few years, we’ve had to be more intentional about maintaining a strong sense of connectedness.”

Read the full conversation here.