O’Melveny Worldwide

Variety: Variety’s Dealmakers Impact Report 2022: Tough Times Take Tough Negotiators

December 7, 2022

O’Melveny partners Amy Siegel, Lindsay Conner, Bruce Tobey, and Silvia Vannini have been named to Variety’s 2022 Dealmakers Impact Report. The annual special report honors “entertainment’s top lawyers, financiers, entrepreneurs, and executives working across film, TV, digital, music, and live performance” who are behind “any transaction that has had a true impact on the industry.” Variety recognized the team’s work on several industry-shaping deals. “Unfortunately, one of the biggest challenges for our industry in the next year or two directionally will likely be the uncertainty in the broader economy and specifically the inability to reliably model entertainment assets,” Vannini said. “More endogenous issues like the looming work stoppage with the Writers Guild of America will only compound the market murkiness.” Variety has featured O’Melveny partners in its Dealmakers Impact Report every year for more than a decade, noting that they “understand the nuances of the rapidly evolving international entertainment market.”

Read the full article here.